In the summer of 2010 I began praying about missions. It was a God thing, because the direction I was going with my music and studies was not at all geared towards serving in a third world country. As I continued to pray about it, the Lord placed people in my life that inspired me and challenged me to pursue a mission trip further. Grace Ministries International shared a need with me for serving in Tanzania, Africa, and once again, I began to pray. At first I thought, not me. Not there. I’ll go somewhere where I can still wear a pair of stilettos and not have them sink into a dirt road. But very quickly God began to change my heart. Not only was I beginning to be OK with the idea of Africa, but I soon grew to love the idea of it. After that, all the pieces seemed to fall into place. I will be serving in Mumba, Tanzania until August 2012.
I will be assisting Brook Seekins in her ministry at the Tanzania Grace Bible Institute as she works with the local youth. We will be preparing for the youth camps that run in June and July, as well as getting ready to put on a worship Seminar in August. I will also be studying the local worship services and church choirs to become familiar with the way another culture expresses worship, and so that I may know how best to teach them in areas they need growth. I will be leading worship at a weekly missionary bible study and giving music lessons to any missionary kids interested. I may also be teaching bible studies for high school students and teaching English to primary schools. This is just a glimpse of all opportunities I will have to serve, because Lord willing as needs open up, I will be able to be the hands and feet of Christ in those areas as well.
I’m looking forward to immersing myself in another culture and broadening my worldview as I serve Christ and others. I’m confident that the Lord will be able to use me and the gifts he has blessed me with in Africa (even if I won’t be wearing Stiletto’s). I covet your prayers as is this is a huge leap of faith.
Thank you for joining me on this journey as I share my thoughts, struggles, and blessings through this blog.